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The Project „Support for the Reform of Mental Health Services in Moldova“ is implemented by an international consortium led by TRIMBOS Institute (the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction), having as partners the NIVEL Institute (the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research), the Romanian League for Mental Health and Luzern Psychiatrie, with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, focusing on the reform needs established by the Ministry of Health.
The independent assessments of the mental health system and of the projects implemented in the Republic of Moldova have pointed out a low level of accessibility, particularly for the vulnerable population. Moreover, there is a quality gap in care provision, which is under regular monitoring and improvement. This unmet need is an opportunity for further improvement of the tools for governing the mental health system in the Republic of Moldova and for subsequent transition to a community-based model of care.
The general objective of the first stage of project implementation consists in launching a nationwide reform of the mental health system, with revised legal and regulatory frameworks and financial mechanisms, and strengthening the model of community-based mental health services, as a result of developing, testing and implementing such a model in 4 districts: Orhei, Soroca, Cimișlia and Cahul.
The “Support for the Reform of Mental Services in Moldova” Project focusses on three major directions:
- Revise, modify and adjust the legislation, following the needs, jointly with the Ministry of Health and with international organizations in this field;
- Implement the community-based model of mental health services in four pilot- districts, with the support of multidisciplinary teams. Such a model will further be implemented nationwide;
- Promote the community mental health services and reduce stigma and discrimination against the persons suffering from psychic disorders.